jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Los Caracoles, Carrer D´Escudellers 14

Located in the heart of Barcelona just off Plaza Real Los Caracoles (The Snails) was founded by the Bofarull family in 1857. Since then, four more generations of the Bofarull family have managed to maintain a high quality standard of traditional Spanish cooking. Now if you hadn't heard of Los Caracoles before and by chance happened to pass by you wouldn't forget it. Chickens are spit roasted outside and every now and again you'll see a chef pop out to check on their progress before they are whisked away to fulfil an order (chickens are also available para llevar/takeaway). On entering Los Caracoles my first impression was that it was small, a short bar on the left holds a wide selection of drinks and on the right a Caracoles employee diligently slices sections of jamon serrano (ham) and cheese. The restaurant's size however is deceving and as you weave through the maze like interior you find three floors and room for a 100 head capacity (as I was reliably informed). I also learnt from speaking to el camarero that there were 85 employees, all male apart from the owner a Bofarull female! As you walk through to be seated you pass by an Al Pacino looking character, clearly in charge of the till, through the kitchen area and then onto a perfectly laid out, white clothed table. The kitchen is worth a mention here as you're hit with a sauna like heat, incredible smells, sizzling noises and the biggest prawns and chunks of steak I've ever seen. I counted 7 chefs effortless cooking a variety of great looking food. Bread is served in the shape of snails (how fitting) and the menu is endless. I ordered, as you should, snails to start and merluza (cod) for the main course, both fantastic. Halfway through our meal Spanish guitarists appeared and the restaurant was serenaded with some good background music (you are expected to give a tip). Waiters are attentive and helpful and speak a bit of every language but clearly know how to get a tip. Now I have heard some call this restaurant a tourist trap and I kind of have to agree, the food is fantastic but the portions are not huge and it works out to be a bit expensive. For three people, three courses and a bottle of wine it cost us nearly 200 euros. For me however Los Caracoles is definately worth a visit but maybe for special occasions only. Alternatively just go and have a drink there first, soak up the atmosphere and take in all the decor. If you go at the weekend make sure to reserve www.loscaracoles.es

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